Ron Willis from Kent
Ron Willis from Kent shepherded on the Romney Marshes Ron Willis from Kent shepherded on the Romney Marshes
Ron Willis wins the Sussex Championship with Cap Ron Willis wins the Sussex Championship with Cap
Ron Willis doing a demo Ron Willis doing a demo
Ron Willis doing a demo Ron Willis doing a demo
Ron Willis doing a demo Ron Willis doing a demo
Ron Willis at a trial Ron Willis at a trial
Ron Willis at a trial Ron Willis at a trial
Ron Willis at a trial Ron Willis at a trial
Ron Willis doing a demo Ron Willis doing a demo
One of Ron's dogs One of Ron's dogs
One of Ron's dogs One of Ron's dogs
Ron with one of his dogs Ron with one of his dogs
Frank Hickman, Ron Willis and Ted Hope Frank Hickman, Ron Willis and Ted Hope
Ron Willis, Maurice Upton, Bill Hoad, Bill Brunger, Harry Hilder and John Greenfield Ron Willis, Maurice Upton, Bill Hoad, Bill Brunger, Harry Hilder and John Greenfield
Ron Willis's Sweep Ron Willis's Sweep
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