Hyde Park Trials 1950s
Footage from the Hyde Park trials in the 1950s. These trials were organised by the ISDS and held annually in the Whitsun Bank Holiday. The competitors were invited if they had been successful in the previous year. They were held in the 1930s, the 1950s and the 1960s. They were sponsored by the Daily Express so were known as the Daily Express trials. Some years attracted an audience of 200,000.
AndrewBeatty-IforPage-JimGilchrist AndrewBeatty-IforPage-JimGilchrist
AndrewBeatty-IforPage-JimGilchrist-TotLongton-EricElliott-JackSuttill AndrewBeatty-IforPage-JimGilchrist-TotLongton-EricElliott-JackSuttill
TotLongton-EricElliott-JackSuttill TotLongton-EricElliott-JackSuttill
JackSuttill-Jaff-Wylie JackSuttill-Jaff-Wylie
AndrewBeatty-IforPage-JimGilchrist-TotLongton-EricElliott-JackSuttill AndrewBeatty-IforPage-JimGilchrist-TotLongton-EricElliott-JackSuttill
Andrew Beatty Andrew Beatty
Andrew Beatty Andrew Beatty
Eric Elliott Eric Elliott
Ifor Page with Meg 11144 Ifor Page with Meg 11144
IforPage-SirGilesthecartoonist IforPage-SirGilesthecartoonist
JackSuttill-Wylie-Jaff JackSuttill-Wylie-Jaff
Jim Gilchrist Jim Gilchrist
Jim Gilchrist Jim Gilchrist
Tot Longton Tot Longton
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